There are different types of refractive errors, like nearsightedness (myopia) and farsightedness (hyperopia). These happen when the shape of the eye causes light to focus in the wrong place on the retina. You can’t have nearsightedness and farsightedness in the same eye, but one eye can be nearsighted while the other is farsighted, leading to vision challenges at multiple distances. […]
What are MiSight Contact Lenses?
Myopia or nearsightedness is increasingly a global concern, with more and more children every year exhibiting signs of the condition. Unsurprisingly, many parents are interested in controlling their child’s myopia and preventing it from getting any worse. But what kinds of options are available for myopia control? Today, we’re going to look at one specific […]
Myopia Control: Treating the Progression
Myopia, commonly known as nearsightedness, is a prevalent condition affecting children and adolescents worldwide. Myopia progression can lead to high myopia and increase a child’s risk of several sight-threatening eye conditions. While glasses or contact lenses help with vision correction, methods for preventing myopia progression can include: Atropine eye drops Orthokeratology (ortho-k) MiSight contact lenses […]
Can Myopia Be Reversed?
Myopia isn’t reversible as it often originates from genetic, environmental factors, and structural changes in the eyes that are considered permanent alterations. […]